Stick-ahs by StickerGiant
“Every sticker has a story,” John Fischer, creator of StickerGiant, a 2015 Happy Smackah Event Sponsor, says of his life’s work and passion. Fischer created his company in 2000 in rural Boulder county, and this company has grown from the passion and creativity of the family of Sticker Giant employees. It’s almost the wrong word, to call them employees. The group that shares John’s vision are quality-minded, efficient, and so very happy!
John credits their success to partnering with the customer to give them exactly what they want. Their business is run from a seemingly small building in downtown Hygiene, Colorado. When you enter the building, you’re greeted by the front of the house staff, whose likes and quirks are emblazoned along their work space. Stickers, of course, are everywhere. If you spend ten minutes reading all the stickers, you get a sense of the humor, politics, and passions of John and the StickerGiant family.
The rest of the space sprawls back into rooms where the stickers are designed, made, and packaged. It takes 24 hours from customer email to stickers processed and sent. Stickers are “portable billboards,” and the family of StickerGiant is inspired by the stickers’ story. Every day, John sees a sticker that he is fascinated with, and he wants to know the story behind it.
StickerGiant helps people tell their stories with a quality product. Their product is part of an amazing vision, and John Fischer has taken the success of this and given back. Fischer is deeply involved with the community, including the schools, the arts and local charities. StickerGiant has been a long-time supporter of The Happy Smackah. We are thrilled and proud to have the StickerGiant family (a true group of Happy Smackahs!) as an event sponsor of the 2015 Happy Smackah.
Everyone wants a Smackah stick-ah!
If you haven’t signed up yet for the 2015 Happy Smackah 5k Fun Run, we know you will now! See you there on May 9th!